Application procedure

The completed application form (available on the intranet) and the required documents (e.g. informed consent  template available on the intranet) have to be submitted electronically at least one month prior to the scheduled meeting to:

Please note that the current version of the application form (February 2023) must always be submitted.

All templates are available on the intranet in both German and English. 


The documents submitted by the applicants form the basis for discussion and decision-making among the members of the Ethics Committee. The documents have to be submitted in PDF format.

The following steps facilitate a swift application procedure and appraisal:

  • A brief description of the study contents that is comprehensible for experts
  • An informed consent that is comprehensible for non-experts and contains adequate information on the planned study, i.e. purpose, procedure, inclusion and exclusion criteria, benefits of participation, risks, utilisation, storage and deletion of data. Please note that this is only an exemplary enumeration that needs to be adapted to suit the individual circumstances.
    Declarations of consent for children need to be worded in a way that is comprehensible for children.
  • Compliance with data protection guidelines
    Information on data storage: Permanent data storage is useful and safe in the case of complete data anonymisation.

The Ethics Committee would like to point out that it must receive the application fulfilling the requirements with regard to form until the last day of the submission deadline. Amendments that are still required for formal reasons at this time are always possible. However, the Ethics Committee can only deal with the application during a later meeting in such case.

The Committee would also like to point out that applications submitted within the submission period will be dealt with during one of the following two meetings. Of course, efforts are made to deal with the application during the following meeting, which should, however, not be taken for granted.


The meetings of the University of Vienna Ethics Committee take place on the following dates in the winter semester 2024/25:

  • 10.10.2024 (deadline for submission: 10.09.2024)
  • 07.11.2024 (deadline for submission: 07.10.2024)
  • 12.12.2024 (deadline for submission: 12.11.2024)
  • 23.01.2025 (deadline for submission: 23.12.2024)